The Book of YOU

7 € 11.95 €
Lūdzu, autorizējies, lai skatītu vairāk informācijas vai pieteiktos pērlei!
Stāvoklis Lietots, lieliskā stāvoklī
Valoda Angļu
Pievienots 26. aprīlis, 19:3545
Lūdzu, autorizējies, lai skatītu vairāk informācijas vai pieteiktos pērlei!

The aim of this book is to empower you to make change happen - one micro-action at a time - to live a happy, fulfilling life. The actions come under one of four categories - Mind, Food, Move and Love - with expert hosts for each section, including Jamie Oliver for the food actions.
Give this book one minute of your time each day to focus on completing one micro-action:
- Eat more fruit
- Take the stairs
- Do a random act of kindness
- Organise one shelf in your bathroom cupboard
The results will help you towards living a happier, more fulfilled life.

Pērle patīk (8)

1 pieteikums
15 € 4
  • 40
55 €
  • 39

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2 pieteikumi
3 €8.99 € 15
6.40 €7.50 € 5
1 pieteikums Rezervēts
6 € 21